Epic 4x4 Adventure to the Tunnels at Impangele - 3 August 2024

On a crisp Saturday morning, August 3rd, 2024, the 4x4Cape Club joined forces with Rough Terrain Adventures (RTA) for an unforgettable expedition to the historic tunnels at Impangele, near De Doorns. Excitement buzzed as participants gathered at the Engen N1 One Stop, eagerly anticipating the day's challenges. The convoy then moved to the One-stop in De Doorns, with additional members joining at the Du Toit’s Kloof toll gate.



With a formidable lineup of 12 vehicles—8 from 4x4Cape and 4 from RTA—our adventure was officially underway. After a thorough driver’s briefing by the seasoned Graham Butler of RTA, the convoy set off towards Impangele Lodge, where the trail fees were settled. Leading the pack, Graham guided his RTA crew with the 4x4Cape members following closely behind, ensuring a smooth start to the day's journey.



Jaco "Fireman" van Vuuren of 4x4Cape was our vigilant safety officer, taking the rear position to watch over the group. The plan was ambitious: navigate through an old railway tunnel and visit a poignant monument honouring soldiers who perished in a tragic train derailment years ago.



The trail immediately tested our skills with a steep downhill descent requiring a careful right turn. Under Graham’s expert guidance, each vehicle manoeuvred the treacherous section flawlessly. The route then took us along a disused railway line, beneath the tracks, and over areas where roads had been washed away, demanding precise driving with wheels straddling eroded sections.



Our first major stop was at the entrance to the tunnels, constructed in 1929. The sight of these historic passages was awe-inspiring. Here, we paused for photos and inspections, navigating washed-out sections with meticulous care.



As we progressed towards the Tunnel Station, we passed a picturesque farmer’s dam, brimming with rainwater—a serene contrast to the rugged terrain. At the Tunnel Station, we took a well-deserved break for lunch, relishing the chance to stretch our legs and explore the surroundings. The camaraderie among members made for a delightful and sociable lunch experience.



Revitalised, we set off towards the monument. The journey uphill revealed more rain-damaged roads, increasing the challenge. Graham, ever cautious, assessed the safety of the route. It was a tense moment when he decided it was too risky to proceed with all vehicles due to the narrow and eroded path. Andrew ventured ahead to scout, confirming the difficulty of turning around at the monument site.



In a display of teamwork and precision, all the vehicles carefully reversed down the hill, guided expertly by co-drivers. The convoy then made its way back to the starting point, where farewells were exchanged, and plans for future adventures were undoubtedly brewing.

Special thanks to all the members who contributed to making this outing a memorable and thrilling experience. The day's blend of history, natural beauty, and technical driving challenges truly embodied the spirit of 4x4 adventure.


Regards - Lindsay Polley

Hey Joe's Brewery Outing - 21 July 2024

The sun was shining, the sky was clear of rain and the 4x4Cape members were eager for their outing on Sunday, July 21st, 2024. Lindsay Polley, Kevin Harris, Bradley Halm, Mari Ware-Lane, Salome Visage, Dot Vorster, and Jaco van Vuuren were all geared up and ready to explore the rugged terrain near Franshoek. Little did they know that their outing to Hey Joe's Brewery would turn into a mysterious and unforgettable experience amidst beautiful scenic mountain views.



As the convoy of off-road vehicles made their way towards the brewery via the scenic Berg river dam wall, the excitement was palpable. The group navigated through winding trails and rugged paths, making spontaneous stops to take in the breathtaking views and snap photos of the stunning landscape.



The overflowing Berg river dam was spectacular with time to capture the beauty with a snap shot or two. All successfully completed a 2km stroll across the wall from one end to the another, which created the need to find Hey Joe’s Brewery to quench everyones thirst. The rains this season have not disappointed and the volume of water was very evident. The group then convoyed safely to Hey Joe’s Brewery.


As they sampled the delicious brews and chatted animatedly, four mysterious figures appeared at their table. It was unexpected guests Philip and Trevor and their wives who seemed to know a lot about the venue and the history of the area. The conversation that ensued was filled with intrigue and excitement, adding an air of mystery to the already thrilling day.



The clouds had lifted by the time the group finished their beers, and thanks to the seamless coordination of the members, all were able to depart safely and make their way back home. The camaraderie and sense of adventure among the group made the unexpected rainstorm seem like just another thrilling chapter in their journey.



As they said their goodbyes and reflected on the day's events, Lindsay Polley, Kevin Harris, Bradley Halm, Mari Ware-Lane, Salome Visage, Dot Vorster, and Jaco van Vuuren couldn't help but feel grateful for the unforgettable experience they had at Hey Joe's Brewery. They thanked the brewery team for their hospitality and for making their outing truly exceptional and memorable.



And so, the 4x4Cape Club members drove off into the fading light, their hearts full of adventure and mystery, eager for the next thrilling chapter in their off-road journey. Who knows what surprises and excitement await them on their next outing? Only time will tell.


Regards - Kevin Harris and Lindsay Polley

Back Roads To Caledon - 22 - 23 June 2024

The group of 8 vehicles met up at the Shell Garage on the N2 Helderberg at 08.30hrs as planned.

After a quick briefing and radio check we set off up Sir Lowry’s pass to our first destination point Hans se Kop. This turned out to be far more challenging than expected, as depicted by Google Maps and Tracks 4 Africa.

Every ravine crossing was washed away from the past rains resulting in Grade 5 challenges that were not envisaged for this outing or group.

After several rerouted attempts to reach the summit of Hanskop with the same results, we decided to give this one a skip.

We then took a route that led us through a busy, local Grabouw township where tons of windblown refuse dominated the landscape. So sad.

With a quick exit back onto the N2 we navigated our way to the Elgin Railway Market – voted the best market in the Cape! There was a good vibe and an array of various goods on sale, lots of food choices, and some tantalizing Gin infusions (for the Gin-lovers!).

The next stop was the Houw Hoek Inn Farm Stall/PUB where we topped up on some more ‘refreshments’ before taking on the Old Houwhoek-Bots River Pass with its winding railroad down into Bots River. Here we said our ‘goodbyes’ to the day-trip group of three vehicles and the remaining five vehicles drove the open farm roads to Caledon.

It was an eye-opener to see all the storm damage that has occurred over the past year and seemingly the Authorities just can’t keep up with repairs as some of the damage was severe - complete bridges, culverts, and low-level crossings have been completely washed away resulting in several roads still being closed. Nevertheless, Garmin was working overtime on re-routing over and over. We eventually arrived at our night stop - Athenian Villa tucked away between old shops downtown.

We were well received and got booked in ASAP so we could catch the rest of the Bok rugby game against Wales. Once again the challenges were not over! The first local pub was small and already full of Bok supporters, so we headed off to ‘The Barn’ where we had booked for dinner. Sadly they only opened at 6 pm and in any case, they never had a TV – well they used to – but decided to remove it to avoid guests fighting over which channel they wanted to watch! Eventually, we landed up at the Caledon Casino – not exactly what we planned for, but we got seats and watched the 2nd half of the game, had some supper, and headed back to the Villa. Here the ‘manne’ enjoyed more red wine and some ‘Witblitz’! Phew manne.

The next morning we had a reasonable brekkies at the Villa and then headed off to Dassiesfontein for a quick shop. Then drove the farm areas to Tweewaterskloof dam and once again saw huge stormwater erosion. The Tweewaterkloof dam is still very low, and more rain needs to fall in the catchment areas.

We stopped at the top of the pass to take a break to look down over the spectacular Franschhoek valley. From here we descended the pass into the valley and then once again on a farm road route that took us around the town center by-passing the busy main street and right to our last stop for lunch at Joe’s Brewery. Lovely venue and we will be back soon!

All-in-all – it was a pleasant week-end, fine weather and good company.

Kevin Harris - Narrator

Welgelegen 4x4 -18 May 2024

On 18 May 2024, four members of the 4x4 Cape Club, along with one prospective member, set out to tackle the familiar Welgelegen 4x4 route.



Ashley brought his V6 Amarok, Kevin and Trevor showed up in their Hiluxes, Kezzi, the new prospect, brought a short-wheelbase Pajero, and I arrived in my trusty Dusty. Also in our company were Ashley’s and Kezzi’s partners and Trevor’s grandson.



With the sun peeking through the clouds, we set off on our route. Trevor took the lead, while Kevin acted as the backmarker. Ashley took on the role of our trusted safety officer. All our vehicles were capable of traveling the mid-level graded route. Trevor made sure to skip all the level 4 and 5 obstacles. With a little guidance from the safety officer here and there, we all made it safely to the top of the mountain. I suppose that was our destination all along, or at least since we mutually agreed to it over our comms.



Up top, amidst a swarm of cell phone towers, we were welcomed by an unexpected security guard. While Ashley and Trevor’s grandson had a long conversation with our new friend—who I suspect doesn’t get a lot of visitors—the rest of us took in the views of the surrounding areas. The grandson handed his 'guard friend' a welcome cold water, and we started our descent.

During the descent, Kevin took a quick detour to investigate some commotion on the farm. It turned out to be go-kart racing. We drove around the track a bit more but eventually decided to call it a day, or morning, and go have a braai.



After some camaraderie, we all parted ways, looking forward to the next adventure. Thank you to the members and prospect for making this an awesome morning to remember. Well done to Kezzi on your first go—I'm sure the club will favourably consider your membership. And well done to the Dusty, proving that you don't have to spend a fortune to play with the big boys.



See you soon, and remember: 4x4 Cape for all!!

Werner R.

Geko Rock - 19 April 2024

Members of the 4x4Cape Club went to Gecko Rock Private Nature Reserve located in the Karoo, not too far from Touwsriver over the weekend of the 19th April 2024.



The members were Lindsay Polley, Werner Rautenbach and Louis Minitzer. Members were requested to do their own bookings on the website with Gecko Rock. It was noted that Gecko Rock Private Nature Reserve caters for a variety of activities namely 4x4, shooting, hiking, rock climbing, camping and mountain biking etc.  Lindsay and his wife, Theresa arrived on the Thursday, as they planned to do some shooting under the guidance of a shooting instructor, Travis Deal, who assisted them in improving their shooting skills at the Gecko shooting range on the Friday.  Werner Rautenbach and Louis Minitzer arranged on the Friday.  Lindsay and Werner stayed at the De Wet Rus Campsite whilst Louis booked himself and his partner into a private wooden cottage overlooking the valleys and surrounding mountains.  Lindsay, Theresa and Werner braaied on the Friday night.





Wifi communication is limited at only available at the reception area at certain time intervals therefor contact could not be made with Louis on Friday as to determine if he had arrived safely.  It was presumed that he would also be staying at the De Wet Rus Campsite but it was only discovered on the Saturday morning that he booked himself in at a different location. 


On Saturday morning Werner and Lindsay decided to go and do some 4x4ing. Lindsay and Theresa caught a lift with Werner as their 4x4 vehicle was still in for repairs and the rental vehicle given was not suitable for 4x4ing conditions.  Prior to going on the 4x4 routes it was decided to first go to reception as to find out if Louis had booked in and it was noted that he arrived late afternoon on Friday and booked into at a cottage about 1,5km passed the De Wet Rus Campsite.

It was decided to do the 4x2 route with Werner’s 4x4 Renault Duster car since there would only be one 4x4 vehicle. The trip was well enjoyed taking into account the surrounding fynbos plant species, mountain ranges and animal life.  Even though the route was classified as a 4x2, it was felt that it should also state high clearance required.  Hikers were also noticed on hiking routes and it was nice to see how people were enjoying the nature reserve.



After returning to camp, Lindsay and Theresa went looking for Louis and found him and his   companion at his cottage.   On arrival Louis informed Lindsay that his companion’s father had broken his wrist and had to undergo an operation and that they unfortunately had to leave the Saturday afternoon and could not stay longer.  Louis also indicated to Lindsay that since he had road tyres on his vehicle it is not suitable for 4x4ing. 



Lindsay and Theresa were invited to the shooting range on Saturday afternoon where a shooting competition was taking place.  Lindsay was invited to shoot at one of the ‘set up target shooting stages’ and it was awesome fun.


On Saturday night Lindsay, Theresa and Werner braaied again. There was also other campers and the social interactions with them was quite pleasant.  On Sunday the remaining members packed up and returned home. Louis unfortunately did not enjoy his stay due to various reasons however Lindsay, Theresa and Werner had a great weekend.



Lindsay Polley - Chairman

Kroonland 4x4 - 16 March 2024

Members of the 4x4Cape Club went to Kroonland 4x4 near Villiersdorp on Saturday 16th March 2024. The members were Lindsay Polley, Ashley Ruiters, Werner Rautenbach and Jaco van Vuuren. Some members met at the N2 garage and travelled in convoy whilst Jaco did a different route to get there. On arrival the vehicles tyre pressures were dropped and a driver’s safety meeting was held. It was decided that Lindsay would lead and Ashley would take up the rear.

The plan was to go to the look-out point and maybe do some 4x4ing in the forest and for lunch go to the campsite for a braai. Whilst on route to the look-out point it was found that the route had not been maintained. Lindsay had to go ahead and check the route. If it was okay he would call the rest to follow. The convoy had reached point 7 and was travelling to point 8 which is near to the look-out point. This section is fairly steep with loss rocks, Lindsay started going up this section of the route but got stuck.

On reversing one of the shafts came loose causing the front left wheel to stand at an angle. The car was reversed back down to the contour road, with the assistance of Ashley who was appointed safety officer. All the vehicles had to be turned around as forward was a dead end. It was decided to take the vehicle back to the reception and call for a tow truck however it was found that the vehicle could not be driven farther. Ashley did a great job as Safety & Recovery Officer.

Lindsay contacted his insurance’s emergency road side assist which proved to be incompetent and thus caused a lot of frustration.

Lindsay’s vehicle was left on the mountain and Lindsay climbed into Jaco’s vehicle and the convoy went back down to reception. It was decided to braai at the reception thanks to the owner who lent us his braai. After long battles with the emergency road side assist a tow truck was sent to recover the vehicle. The vehicle was recovered later that day.

Even though the outing was shortened, everyone had good fun, except for Lindsay who showed great calmness and strength when talking with the insurance company. Thanks to Chantel (Jaco’s wife) who was able to send a map of where the vehicle was and photos to the emergency assist company.

Special thanks is extended to all the members who made this an enjoyable and fun day.


Lindsay Polley - Chairman

4x4 Cape Club AGM 6 March 2024



The 2024 Annual General Meeting was held on the 6th March 2024 at the MMC club house.  The starting time was 19h00pm but it only started later after more proxies were received, to form a quorum.


The Chairperson, Mr. Lindsay Polley followed the 2024 AGM agenda which included the minutes of the previous AGM minutes, as well as the Chairperson’s Report.


Mr. Jaco van Vuuren, the Cape Club Treasurer presented the Annual Financial Report to the club members.

A decision was agreed upon wrt the 2025 Fees at the meeting whereas:-

(a)  the annual membership fees will remain at R450,

(b)  for any non-member planning to go on outings with the club, will pay R200, and


(c)  should a non-member who paid ‘a trip outing fee within a 3 month period’ decides to join the club, it will not be expected for the new member to pay the full annual R450 but only R250.


‘Honary Membership Certificates’ were presented to Mr. Kevin Harris, Mr. Trevor Harris, Mr. Craig Parsons, Mr. Danie Steyn and Mr. Jaco van Vuuren.  

‘Certificates of Appreciation’ for service support efforts rended thoughout the 2023 year period, were issued out to Mrs. Paula de Jagter, Mr. Grahman Butler, Mr. Kevin Harris and Mr. Trevor Harris(and family).


The ‘Twisted Shaft Award’ was awarded to Mr. Lindsay Polley by Mrs. Paula de Jager.

The ‘Property-R-Us Award’ was awarded to Mrs. Paula de Jager by Mr. Trevor Harris.

Catering for the evening was arranged by the Secretary, Mrs. Paula de Jager.  


4 x4 Cape Club coffee mugs were given to the club members, thanks to Mr. Graham Butler for doing all the organising. 


The following members were elected onto the committee for 2025 – Lindsay Polley, Ashley Ruiters, Paula de Jager, Kevin Harris, Werner Rautenbacht, Craig Parsons and Mari-Ware Lane.



Lindsay Polley



Atlantis Dunes - 27 January 2024

4X4Cape Club ventured to Atlantis Dunes -


A party of 7 vehicles in total, the day's adventure was centered on meandering through the dunes per pre-set GPS co-ordinates with each GPS pin location offering a chance for members to skill themselves up on leading the group from point to point.




Social Year End 6 December 2023

On the 6th December 2023, the 4x4Cape Club held their last Wednesday social function at the club.  The club sponsored the social braai event and members were only requested to bring their own beverages.  Kevin Harris supplied tasty chicken pieces and beef sausages for the event. The ‘braaiers’ namely Kevin Harris and Bradley Halm did a really great job. Paula De Jager arranged for a few ladies of the club to assist in making salads for the evening.  Paula provided a potato salad and the Harris family ladies made the mix salads.  Garlic bread was supplied by Mari Ware-Lane and Theresa Polley.  We were also spoiled with a lovely desert which was provided by Paula. This team work from all of the club members (both men and women) involved, was greatly appreciated by the 4x4Cape Committee members.


For some fun, members had to bring along their own ‘mad hat’. Prizes were given for the best male and female member’s hat. Theresa Polley and Richard Kidwell won.  Kevin was the judge with the ladies in the kitchen being the deciding factor. A raffle for wine was also done and Samantha Harris won that.


It turned out to be a great evening which was enjoyed by all. 


Thanks to all who came and made it a special evening that will be remembered for some time. Thanks to those that cleaned up, especially the ladies for doing the dishes. Jaco van Vuuren was our photographer for the evening and took the necessary photos.


Wishing you all a very safe and merry festive season.



Lindsay Polley


Gatsrivier Weekend 17-19th November 2023

The Gatsrivier Holiday Farm hosted the 4x4Cape Club members from the 17th to the 19th November which is located between the Roggeveld and the Koedoesberg Mountains. Most of the members camped and some members stayed in two of the cottages. The members made their own way to the farm, one member lost a tyre on route and some members cancelled at the last minute due to work and other unexpected issues.



There are four different types of 4X4 routes from which we could have chosen from. Some of the routes reach heights of up to 1 230 metres, above sea level, with scenic views stretching over wonderland hills, rivers and famous Karoo bushes, which was truly an awe inspiring experience.


On Saturday morning, the members split into two groups, one group was led by Lindsay Polley and the other by Kevin Harris. Lindsay’s group consisted of seven vehicles and Kevin’s two. Lindsay’s group did the ‘Waterval’ route and Kevin’s went to a view point above the farm. Salome unfortunately lost a front tyre due to sidewall damage and it took some time to replace the tyre.



A few of the members wanted to do the ‘Rivier’4x4 route which was led by Lindsay in the hope of finding some game.  On route we encountered a baboon troop. We found that the route to be scenic and the vegetation quite thick due to the lots of rain which fell over the winter season in the area and the route not being driven regularly. The River crossing was also quite nice as we observed that it still had water in it.

The river picnic spot could not be used as it was still overgrown with dense bush which made ‘on foot’ entre difficult.



On Saturday night all the members gathered at the lapa for a braai and Trevor Harris once again entertained the group in the exchanging of Christmas presents.

On Sunday members packed up and headed for home except for Werner who stayed an additional day.


Thank you to all the 4x4Cape Members who ventured out for a weekend of friendship and laughs.

Boegoeberg 4x4 Weekend 27-29th October 2023

Boegoeberg 4x4

Members and friends of the 4x4Cape Club spent the weekend of the 27 – 29 October 2023 at Boegoeberg 4x4. The members were Lindsay Polley, Kevin Harris, Trevor Harris, Ashley Ruiters, Werner Rautenbach, Philip De Wet, Naas Zaayman and Burgert De Jager. Friends of the Polley’s, Michael Daniel and his wife, Adrie, Naas’s girlfriend, as well as Trevor and Lynn’s grandchildren joined us over the weekend.

Members travelled on their own time to Boegoeberg. Some of the members stayed in cottage units and other members opted to camp alongside the eco-pool.   A few members arrived a bit late and had to pitch their tents in the dark.

On the Friday night, a few of the members, Kevin, Lindsay and Naas watched the England– Argentina rugby match.

On the Saturday morning a few of the members decided to do one of the scenic mountain 4x4 routes which was greatly enjoyed by all.  The river route which is usually dry was closed for any 4x4 activities due to a river flowing in it, as well as due to flood damage.  Some of the members and their friends decided to take a walk down to the river after their return from the 4x4 morning outing. At the river lots of fun was experienced, where members and visitors decided to get wet by splashing and lying flat down in the flowing river. Very nice weather was experienced over the weekend.


Two of the member’s wives, Paula and Sandy went for a Saturday 30km morning cycling ride.  Sandy got a little bit ‘kaput’ and her husband Ashley had to come to her rescue.  He returned to the 4x4 route after taking care of his wife.

On the Saturday evening, all the 4x4 Cape members came together for a ‘lekker’ social braai.  After the braai the members went to watch the World Cup Rugby final and were very relieved and happy that the Springboks won in the end.

Thanks to Sybrie de Beer (the owner of the Boegoeberg) for maintaining high standards at his camp site, as well as making the 4x4 routes an enjoyable outing to experience for both 4x4 and 4x2 vehicles.

A special thanks is extended to all the members, friends and Trevor’s grandchildren who made this an enjoyable and fun weekend.

Die Herberg Kinderhuis In Robertson 21 October 2023

A big thank you goes out to 4X4Cape Club members, Dischem and Thrive Academy for all their support in making this day so special for the children and staff of Die Herberg Kindershuis in Robertson.

The 133 Children and 5 staff all got to play some games they had not played before.

Dischem sponsored toiletries and Thrive Academy the sports equipment used on the day.

40kg's Wors Braai'd, 200 Bread Rolls, 5l Sauce and 40L Juice and were all done!

Thank you to Jaco and Chanel for organising the day and raising the 4x4Cape Club banner in Robertson, we received such heart warming thankyous from the Staff and the children - Read below:

Die Herberg Kinderhuis

Video of the Special Day

Thank you from the Children

Blesfontein Guest Farm - 25-26 August 2023

Blesfontein Guest Farm near Sutherland

Six members of the 4x4Cape Club spent the weekend of the 25-26 August 2023 at Blesfontein farm. The members were Lindsay Polley, Kevin Harris, Mari Ware-Lane, Bradley Halm, Burgert De Jager and Michael Manzoni. Members travelled on their own time to the farm. Trucks travelling on the N1 caused delays and it was difficult passing them due to the mist they created in the rainy weather.

All the members stayed in units, nobody camped. This was a good idea as it rained on Friday and was extremely cold the entire weekend. The farm had boxes of wood which members used to keep the in-door fires going.  On the Friday night, some of the members watched the Springboks – All Black match which was greatly enjoyed, especially since we won.

Some members choose to make use of the opportunity to have breakfast and dinner that was supplied by the venue.

On Saturday morning, all the members drove to Sutherland for shopping and to see the town.  The farmer gave some of the members the opportunity to give milk to the lambs which they greatly enjoyed.

In the afternoon, three of the wives walked to the viewing point and back, they were so tired they battled to open the farm gate on their return. The other members chose to drive to the viewing point where one could see the escarpment with the Tankwa below.

All the members got together on the Saturday evening for dinner and socialising. It was Kevin and Glennis Harris wedding anniversary, so it was great to share it with them.

After dinner, the owner of the farm got those together who wanted to see the stars as the farm has a telescope. During first couple of minutes he explained the solar system, showed us where a number of planets where, including Scorpio and the Southern Cross and much more. One could see he is very passionate about the solar system. We then had the opportunity to look through the telescope.

On Sunday morning, most members decided to go the more over-landing route back to Cape Town. This was down the Ouberg Pass and through the Tankwa nature reserve. The pass had some flood damaged which required one to travel with caution. The Tankwa did not disappoint neither with the wild life and flowers that were covering the veld.

A special thanks to the Van der Merwe’s ( the owners of the farm ) and the members who attended the weekend and made it good fun.

Honingklip 4x4 Trip - 9 August 2023


After some heavy winter rains 4x4 Cape Club ventured out to Honingklip 4x4 Trail.

All the details are in the attached report.



Grabouw 4x4 - 25 March 2023

Saturday morning arrives, my Prado is packed with all the recovery equipment, charged two-way radios, vehicle fueled up and ready to meet up with the 4x4Cape Club family at the Engen on the N2. With a nervous sense of excitement, the adventure begins.

The rains had ceased, at least for now. Upon arrival at the Engen the rest of the family start to pull in. Our newly elected chairman Lindsay, first there with Theresa, then Bradley & Stephanie, Mari, Werner and myself.

Upon completing a radio comms check, the convoy to Grabouw 4x4 was on its way.
A misty, wet drive up and over Sir Lowrys Pass, down into the Grabouw & Elgin valley, never disappoints with lush green vistas, the Steenbras dam and backed my Mountains. Truly picturesque. A short stint into and then out of the town takes us almost to the entrance of Grabouw Country club and more importantly, the gate to Grabouw 4x4.

Willie, the custodian of the gate, arrives to complete all the administration and trail fees as required in order to granting us entrance.
A gravel road, with the occasional puddle shenanigans leads it way directly to the manmade Wesselsgat river waterfall. As we approach the return loop, in the distance, a glimpse of the waterfall is seen. Anticipation grows as we park the vehicles, climb out and start the short walk across uneven ground along the single foot path to the waterfall. The sound of crashing water, the spray thereof, and this visual beauty is all consuming… It is a moment imprinted in every member's mind… and the memory saved on every mobile present.

Saturated by the experience, we head back towards the 4x4 vehicles, exploring the little side paths along the way.The contour roads meander through the mountain peaks, through ruts, up rocky bends and hidden between layers and layers of Pine trees, a typical Hollywood Canadian adventure…

On a bend, by a rock, backed by flora, a pole can be found, attached to this pole is a small pine tree green coloured sign board which reads: “GIANTS WATER BASIN”. In a TETRIS style manner, we fitted all the vehicles in the tiny area allocated for parking, whilst still allowing enough space for other adventures to pass by. The foot path begins, more overgrown than the last, brushing past moist branches and clambering over rocks we made our way to the waterfall. Once again, the deafening sound of crashing pounding water filled the air, getting louder and louder with each step as we approach. Tree trunks washed down by its might are littered on its edges. Stripping away all the complexities of life and feeding you with that breath of fresh air that can never be forgotten, can never adequately even be described…  In a desperate hope to try capture that moment, we attempted to take a 1 dimensionally record of that moment with selfies and video clips, just to be able to cling onto its beauty that little bit longer.

Soaking in the environment we hike back to the 4x4’s, the sun has also now snuck out through the clouds and a perfect time for a much needed break after the hike and a quick lunch.

Due to the rains of the last few years there were a few partially washed out mountain edge roads, forcing us to slow down and hug the mountainside as we carefully navigated each vehicle along the path. Rain started to fall with a greater passion than before, just at the time that we arrived at one of the lookout points. Grabouw town, the Country Club (and dam) as well as N2 highway are all visible from here. A stunning view, especially on a sun filled cloudless day, unfortunately for us, this was not such a day. We observed what we could in-between the motion of the wiper blades and the falling rain. Knowing that this was just an excuse to revisit Grabouw 4x4 again at a later date.

The 40-minute trip down the mountain, across the valley and along the dam went swiftly. The day had come to an end…  

All that was left to do, was to air up the tires, make the journey home and recount the impact that Grabouw 4x4 had left on us, until the next time. Thank you to all the members who participated and made this a memorable day.

Graham Butler


4x4 Cape AGM 1st March 2023

A big thankyou to all the members who took part in the Annual General Meeting held on 1 March 2023 at the Multi Motor Club.

Please click link below to access the Chairman's Report for your leisurely read.

Chairman's Report 2023

We would like to thank Danie Steyn for Chairing the Club for the past 6 years and welcome the new committee elected at the AGM into the driving seat of managing the Club.

We would like to congratulate - Lindsay Polley as the newly elected Chairman of the Club for 2023.


Twisted Driveshaft award – Burgert & Paula de Jager 



Property-R-Us Fellowship Award – Trevor Harris presented to Graham Butler 


The newly elected committee for 2023 are listed as follows:

Lindsay Polley - Chairman

Jaco Van Vuuren 

Craig Parsons 

Ashley Ruiters

Tom Jones

Elrene Koch

Graham Butler

Congratulations to all the above and we look forward to working together in 2023.

4x4 Cape Club goes to Atlantis Dunes 11 February 2023

On February 11th, 2023, a group of club members, along with their friends and family, tested their off-roading skills at the dunes. Lindsay conducted a driver's briefing for the members before dividing them into two groups of approximately 6 vehicles each, with Lindsay and Ashley serving as the safety officers.

Kevin Harris led Ashley's group while Graham Butler led Lindsay's group, with all the vehicles being Toyotas except for Andrew's motorbike. The groups were given co-ordinates to find and had to take a photo of their group with the 4x4Cape banner, but only one group was able to accomplish this.

The day was hot and sunny, which made the sand soft and challenging to navigate. Several members got their 4x4 vehicles stuck in the soft sand but managed to get unstuck on their own. Fortunately, nobody got lost during the outing. Despite the challenges, everyone had a great time, although a few members had to cancel due to being under the weather or having Jeep battery problems.

The club members who attended the event made many happy memories, and special thanks were given to Kevin and Graham for leading the groups and ensuring everyone returned safely.

4X4Cape Club 2022 Close-Down Spit Braai function. (3rd December 2022)

Forty-eight likeminded members and friends joined in the 4x4Cape year-end close down Spit Braai event at the MMC Clubhouse in Parow to say farewell to 2022. 


Preparation and serving of the food was outsourced to allow members to enjoy the evening. 


The dress code was “Something 4x4Cape” and most members dressed accordingly.



Members arrived from 17:00 and starters were enjoyed from 19:00 onwards consisting of an Exclusive Bread Table with a variation of breads, Butter, Cheese, Cold meats, Jams and Pates.


Round 20:00 the main meal was ready for collection and consisted, amongst others, a 450g portion of Spit Braai Lamb, Salads, Curry Noodle, Greek, Potato, Traditional Potato bake, Creamed Spinaches with Feta and roasted Vegetables with mushrooms.


Desert followed in the form of Malva Pudding and Ice cream as dished up by the supplier. 



Needless to say that most members opted for a second helping until the food containers and salad bowls were empty.  



With reference to member’s feedback, ongoing “(loud) chatter” amongst friends throughout the evening led to one conclusion that the event was enjoyed by all. 


A raffle was held and the prizes were donated by Trevor Harris. The First prise, 20 Year KWV Brandy in a presentation box was won by Mari Ware-Lane. 

Thanks to the Trevor for the raffle donation and the committee that assisted with the arrangements and hall preparation. 




Special thanks to all the helping hands that assisted with the “wrapping up” of the event.


The committee are proudly announcing that 4X4Cape sponsored a portion of the total cost as a token to “Give back to our members”. Thanks to  4x4Cape Club. 




Another 4x4Cape event that will be remembered and talked about in time to come.

4X4CAPE 4x4 YEAR END OUTING (18-22 November 2022)

4x4Cape Club Year End 2022


To celebrate the past year’s activities, 26 4x4 Cape members and friends ventured to the beautiful Sanddrif Holiday Resort in the Unspoilt Heart of the Cerderberg to join likeminded friends for the 4X4Cape Club 2022 Year-end weekend outing.

Some opted to stay in chalets, but the majority shared the camp sites. A few members opted to use the opportunity to arrive 2/3 days prior to the majority of members who arrived on the Thursday/Friday and some even stayed an extra day. Members arranged their individual camp sites and soon conversations were flowing around general topics of interest and preferred meals were prepared and this went on till late in the night.

Saturday morning, there were a few members that tackled some of the many walking trails in the area. Other members opted to travel by road to visit some of the many interesting sites like Stadsaal Caves, Maltese Cross and other attractions in the area.  Other members visited Cerderberg Cellars to enjoy the various wine cultivars at the well-presented wine tastings. Needless to say but many a laughter was heard, that indicated the enjoyment.


Saturday afternoon/evening, we all reassembled around the fireplace for a very successful 4X4Cape year-end event. All members were requested to bring a small gift wrapped in blue for men and red for woman.

These presents were packed in the centre of the “circle of friends” and while the fires were burning, Trevor, in his unique way, started a very interesting, sometimes very confusing but organised process to hand out the presents. All members drew a number and on the call of the numbers, the member had to select and “prick a balloon” to retrieve an instruction card. Trevor then read the instructions and the member had to respond. This process was very funny and enjoyed by all. The member was then allowed to take one of the gifts. There were also “gift swapping” allowed and members could “exchange” his/her “unopened” gift with somebody else if you thought his/her present were better. This made the process even more enjoyable. Lots of laughter and comraderies made this a very enjoyable event, enjoyed by all.

Everybody joined in the braai where old friendships were reconfirmed and new friendships were formed. As per normal, all retired at different times (some in the early hours) but overall, the evening was enjoyed by all.

Sunday morning members were noticeably reluctant to return home and some even stayed for another day or two.

The general feedback indicated that this was a weekend of note. Thanks to the committee for the planning and the organisation.  A Very heartfelt thanks to everyone that attended and the high level of friendship and camaraderie that was displayed by all.

Sincere gratitude to the Sanddrif Holiday Resort team, for booking and the outstanding service rendered at this fantastic venue that is highly recommended to all.

Tierkloof 4x4 - 22 October 2022

On the 22nd October 2022, 4x4Cape Club members and some guests did the Tierkloof 4x4 route. The members were Lindsay Polley, Jaco van Vuuren, Jaco Viljoen and Yashodan Naidoo. Mark Thaysen completed the route with ease in his Toyota Fortuner D4D and can now receive his membership. Some member’s partners accompanied them. There were seven cars in total of which two weren’t Toyotas.


After a safety meeting to discuss the route, Lindsay was tasked to lead the convoy, Jaco van Vuuren volunteered to be safety officer and Jaco Viljoen volunteered to be the last vehicle. There were several obstacles on the way up that needed proper planning and packing of rocks. Tierkloof is not an easy route, Yashodan lost three tyres due to side wall cuts and had to leave his vehicle on top of the mountain. Rocks are always very unforgiving and Tierkloof 4x4 has no shortage of them. Due to the challenging obstacles it took quite a few hours to complete the route. 


The sand section at the bottom did not prove to be a problem as the sand wasn’t as loose as previous times, it also appears that the route had not been driven for some time. It was quite a hot day and most people were wearing hats. A special thanks to the members who attended and made it an awesome day. 


Welgelegen 4x4 - 10 September 2022

On the 10th of September 2022 4X4 Cape club hosted a day outing at the Welgelegen 4X4 trail nestled in the Bottelary Hills outside Stellenbosch. Six vehicles participated on the day and consisted of the following members, Tom Jones, Lindsay Polley, Andrew Gilham, Richard Kiddwell, Elrene Kock and Yashodan Naidoo. No guests attended the day. 


At the drivers briefing and safety meeting Tom was tasked to lead the convoy, Lindsay volunteered to be safety officer with Richard as tail gunner. With the previous weeks rainfall, it was decided to take the ‘escape’ routes at certain obstacles although Andrew took the opportunity to prove his Prado was more than capable for the obstacles. On one or two obstacles some rocks were packed to get the lower clearance vehicles safely through.


The 9km trail took us approximately 3.5 hours to complete. Kevin Harris joined us as we ended the day with a braai and lots of social chatter.


Thank you to all who came out for the day.


Die Herberg Kinderhuis - Robertson - 8 August 2022

Through word of mouth, we came to hear about the wonderful work the staff and volunteers of Die Herberg Kinderhuis, in Robertson, are doing. 


It is no easy task raising children, yet these men and woman make raising +/-130 children look doable for anyone.


They run a tight ship, however there is so much love showered on each child present. It is clear to see that each child there is cared for and taught to love others as they are being loved, to do unto others as they would like to be done to them and most of all to not stand with hands open expecting to receive but to rather take what they have to offer and give!

Yes, there are challenges, but the staff are dedicated to find solutions and hope to see each child succeed in adding value to their community.


We as 4x4 Cape Club and its members had the privilege to partner with Dischem in an initiative to bless the Die Herberg Kinderhuis with toiletries. 


4x4 Cape Club raised R10 000 and Dischem matched every cent. On Monday 8 August 2022 two Dischem representatives loaded a bakkie in Durbanville and made their way to Robertson where they were met with two representatives from 4x4 Cape to meet and greet some of the staff and be taken on a tour of the Die Herberg Kinderhuis


We had the pleasure of meeting some of the children there and of course deliver the goods. What a joy it is to give! 


We hope to further our partnership and be in touch with the Die Herberg Kinderhuis on another occasion.


Thank you to all the Club members who contributed to this special cause and to Dischem for partnering with 4x4 Cape Club.



Namakwa 4x4 Echo Trail 9-12 June 2022

A Chev, a Toyota and an Iveco. 3 Vehicles. 3 Couples. Looking for adventure.

We found it. In Namaqualand.

It’s noon on Thursday 9 June and we are meeting in Pofadder to fill up our tanks and raid the local Tuisnyweryd.


By 12h30, after letting the air out of our tyres, we are on our way. First stop Pella, where we do a little drive-by, waving at the locals and taking a quick pic of the beautiful Roman Catholic Cathedral, built over 7 years in the late 1800’s.


To Read more please click the link - Namakwa 4x4 Echo Trail 9-12 June 2022


Leeuwenboschfontein Guest Farm - Year End Trip 12-14 Nov 2021

The Bringing Together Of Family And Friends


The 4x4 Cape scooop 

Click Here to Read The Full Story.


Atlantis Dunes - GPS Skills Training 17 April 2021

4x4Cape Atlantis Dunes through the eyes of Squirrel

Let me start off with saying, usually motorbikes and 4x4's dont mix, like surfing and motorbikes, like cyclists and motorbikes, cops and motorbikes and the list goes on. Not to sure why though.

Atlantis is one of my happy places, I purchased a season pass for the bike in February and I will admit, I have been getting some serious value for money out of the annual pass. 

Since the revamp of the entrance to Atlantis, everything there is so much more convenient, you can buy your day or yearly permit at the on-site permit office. The parking area is a well-regulated, bin free area.

After officially joining 4x4Cape in December last year, I have felt blessed to be part of this more relaxed group of 4x4 enthusiasts. Everyone is down to earth and genuine. That is what made it rather difficult to ask the organisers of the Atlantis outing if I may attend on two wheels opposed to four. 

Surprisingly this amazing group of people were very open to test the idea. 04:30am on Saturday the 17th of April 2021, I found myself sipping coffee trying to wake up for the adventure ahead. Started loading bikes onto the trailer, ensuring all the protective gear was packed and headed off for the dunes just before 6am. 

The 4x4Cape event only started at 9am, but why would I leave so early for the dunes one might ask? That is simple, around 10:30 am, when the sun starts getting overhead and the shadows of the dunes start disappearing, the contours of the dunes all seem to blend into one. This makes it extremely difficult to see the drop offs and gradient of the approach angles.

We arrived at the dunes just before 7am with a bike behind the car. Waited until 07:30 when the main gates opened. Then queried why they only opened the gate so late. They pointed out that in winter times, the gates only opened at 8am, this was news to us as with the yearly permit, one could get into the parking area and onto the dunes an hour before the permit office opened. 

After much back and forth between ourselves and the rangers (it seems the rangers are all new and have not been informed of this concession for the annual permit holders) we were on the dunes, carving up the dune faces before the rest of the group with the 4x4's arrived. Just had to get the speed fix in. As always, headed off to my favorite lookout location.



As 9am rolled up, I pulled into the parking lot, leaving my other riding buddies to do their thing. I saw a few familiar faces. Walked over and started greeting them. A few minutes later, more of the group arrived. Standing there head to toe in MX gear, it was starting to get warm. 



When Graham arrived, he handed me a pink radio with extended arial and hand held receiver so I could stay in contact with the group. All this while the unmistakable sound of deflating tyres filled the air.




While in the parking lot, we confirm the radio channels to use, we were informed to meet on the dunes for the briefing. When I walked back to the bike, the 4x4s were all lined up being inspected for alcohol and other items not permitted on the dunes. Hopped on the bike and headed off to the briefing location. 




We had some first timers to Atlantis and man, was I jealous of them. I can still remember the feeling of going down the first steep dune, crazy feeling and one never experiences that feeling again. It seems as though one would need to push even harder, but the question always remains, at what cost. We don't want to damage the vehicles as for most of us, these are our daily drivers. 


But I digress, back to the day at hand.


Getting to the meeting spot seemed challenging for some. Strangely a Prado was having a real challenge getting to the debriefing location just a few meters in from the entrance to the dunes themselves. Tony jumped into the Prado and showed the first timer to the dunes just what a Prado is made of. 


It was like herding cats trying to get everyone together for the briefing, this must be due to all the excitement of the day ahead.


Once we settled, the briefing commenced with the safety factors for the day. Then the curve ball, the hidden gem which none of us were expecting. We were rather unprepared but gave us a good indication as to what we should all have, no matter what 4x4 route one is on. 





We were lit into 2 groups, two team leaders and experience of drivers were split equally. Group 2 moved from Channel 1 on the radios to Channel 2 in order for direct communication with the group, respectively. 


We were then handed a piece of paper with some weird numbers on them. We (not the biker, me) were assigned a GPS location and informed that each one of us would need to navigate to that specific location. Turns out, most us:


1) did not have GPS's; 

2) did not know what GPS coordinates were 

3) no clue how to convert the various forms of GPS coordinates.


Once we were over that challenge, we headed off in our two separate groups off on the adventure. I tried my utmost to not be in the way of the 4x4's, trying to keep a safe distance while also trying to get some good shots with the GoPro. 



We went up dunes, down dunes, around dunes and just more dunes. Leading seemed to be a lot more challenging and stressful than one would think. I would try to get a general idea of where the group was going, head off to a vantage point higher up and film. Everyone followed a single file as we do in groups. 



At one stage, the leader of our group went left around a dune with a soft, sharp right up a hill. This proved to be challenging for our leader, it took more than one attempt to cut the tracks through the super soft sand to get up and over. 



Second up was one of our first timers in a Jimny. After several attempted, he opted for an easier route to get over. This was the right decision, though the Jimny is more than capable in the dunes. General rule is, after 3 attempts, move on.



One of my pet hates is litter, not the kitty type. As a smoker, I always take the cigarette butts home with me. As one can see the image below, a piece of glass was picked up on the dunes. There have been all sorts of trash left out in the dunes. Great thing is, the 4x4s are usually open to take it out with them as there is limited space on the bike. Well, most of the guys. 




The rest followed suit around the dune, right up and over. A few 4x4's have to take more than one run up but everyone made it through the fluffy sand. 







One this which I really do like about this group of well-groomed hooligans is the fact that they (we) take safety seriously. When approaching a new obstacle, its always best to step out the vehicle and look at the challenge at hand. A nice steep dune might seem like a simple, first gear, low range, using the engine braking while going down. This can be really daunting for the lesser experience drivers but most exhilarating at the same time. 


Bearing in mind that things can go wrong at any stage. When the vehicle starts going sideways down the dune, while the adrenaline is pumping through the veins, one can quickly forget to give the accelerator a little nudge to get it back in line. Never mind the fact that there is minimal feedback on the steering wheel while descending the dune. So, you think your wheels are straight but actually not. With time on the dunes, this does become second nature. 


With the sun beating down on us, I was getting rather warm in all the MX gear, so had to take a quick spin every now and then to try to cool off for a bit. One of the down sides to riding the bike is that the climate control is handled by the weather around you and you can't just pop on the AC to when it's too hot. Small sacrifice for being so free on the dunes. 



The objective for each GPS location destination(s) was to take a group photo of everyone with the vehicles to have evidence that we made it to the correct location. At times, this was a bit challenging to line up all the 4x4's in the soft sand. Though, thus far in the day, no one had to pull out their recovery gear yet, even though the sand was super soft. 





As the day went on, so more and more obstacles were tried, within everyone's comfort levels (and some, outside their comfort levels), up and around dune obstacles, up and downs all while the communicating efficiently on the radios. Though, it can be slow going getting everyone through safely, the sun was getting higher and the contours of the dunes were disappearing. It was reaching the time I usually start to head off the dunes but the troop soldered on making sure they get the adrenalin fix in.  




All this time I had been trying to keep a safe (what I assumed the 4x4's would consider safe) distance away. Suddenly I had a brain fart and decided to test the waters a bit and to get a bit closer keeping to what I thought a safe distance would be. Surprisingly, no one raised any concerns or asked me to rather backoff. 





I won't lie, doing such slow speeds on a bike was a challenge in itself however, the paddle tyre on the back of the KTM 350 worked its magic and was able to chug along without bogging down. That left me with only one choice, to follow more vehicles around obstacles. 




Once everyone had their chance, we headed off to the next location.  



Mr Jimny (Werner) leading the way to GPS destination, taking what he had learnt during the course of the day and putting it into practice. Always great to see.



Once we conquered the next location, it was time for the group photo. At this stage, the sun was reaching over head, the heat was starting to really take its toll, even with the CamelBak, trying to keep hydrated, it was getting a bit much. Decided to do the sensible thing and call it a day. Really sad to not stay until the end but one always needs to listen when your body starts saying, I think we have had enough. 



Said my goodbyes, thanked everyone for a different experience and headed out to the exit of the dunes. Once there, I saw one of my riding mates had also decided to head out, the heat, the sun, the snow blindness and the early start is nothing compared to just how amazing one feels out there in the dunes. The freedom, the beauty and fresh air makes life worth living. 




To sum up, a great day was had by all and the photos just don't do justice as to how steep the dunes are. The experienced sand drivers looked after our first timers. The best part of all was the fact that we only left our tracks and a bit of air pollution behind so the people after us can also enjoy the un-spoilt terrain. 

Thank you to the organizers of the day!

Jakkalskloof 4x4 20 March 2021

Jakkals kloof 4x4


Saturday 20th March  the trail started at 9.15am after a drivers briefing.

Leading the pack was a visitor to the club Chad with Craig accompanying him.  Colin and Heather next with Russel and Ashley behind and Lindsey as the tail gunner.

At the start of the trail we spotted wildebeest and springbok and a giraffe.  These were the only animals we spotted on the trial even though Lindsey tried to convince us all that he had spotted a leopard.  This had us all looking to 5 ‘ o clock only to realise that he was joking even after claiming to have taken a photo.

The sand trail wound its way through the scrubby bush down into the valley and dry river bed where we proceeded to drive through donga obstacles, or better expressed as hairpin bends on a slope in the bush.  We all got through this part ok and proceeded to an obstacle called the Longdrop which was not a toilet break.  Continuing along the river bed looking for snakes and birds the convoy had to stop because Russel thought that he had punctured tyre.  Fortunately for Russel it was a false alarm and all he needed was a little more air in a very deflated tyre and we continued on our way.  It was at this point that Russel requested I mention his name at least 30 times in this write up.  Russel I will try.

The trail took us out of the river bed by passing a couple of water holes which were parched waiting in anticipation of the next rain season.

The next obstacle we arrived upon looked easy enough so after some assessment Chad took the lead and got his Ford stuck.  His rear bumper got caught on the rocks leaving his car in a situation which took a team effort of trying different recovery ideas to get him out.  Russel tried to pull him out and this did not work so Lindsay stepped in with his Toyota Fortuner and pulled him out and he took the bypass.  Colin and Lindsay both took on the challenge and succeeded in getting through.

After this we took a slow drive up out of the river bed and up to the lookout point.  Here we stopped for a while and admired the view of the surrounding country side. Kleintafelberg 4x4 and the sea in the distance easily identified.

Finally it was time to return to camp where after some R&R the other 4x4 route was selected.  This is a rock route behind the camp. Colin split his new front left tyre through the rock section. Time for an emergency spare to be fitted and back to camp we headed.  Heather was on alert as we came into camp and Colins puncture did not go down very well. Fortunately within minutes a spare tyre was fitted and the vehicle ready for the homeward trip the next day.

After all was said and done we gathered around the camp fire at the boma for a time of laughter and geleskap.

Fun time was had by all.

Thank you to the organisers for another great 4x4Cape Weekend.

Outrekpad4x4 Training 17 October 2020

Outrekpad – 17 October 2020


Picture this: an overcast Saturday morning, a stretch of 4x4’s of all shapes and sizes lined up and a group of guys and gals together (within acceptable social distance of course, wink). Some sipping on coffee, others just chatting away. Yes, these are the Saturday mornings the 4x4 Cape Club live for; and this particular morning we were all anticipating our adventure at Outrekpad. For many of us it was our first time on the track, which can always be a bit daunting when you are not sure what you should expect. Although, knowing we were in the capable hands of Craig Parsons put our minds at ease and excitement soon took over.


As we gathered under the lapa to go through the safety briefing there were a lot of impatient adventurists wanting to hit the road, but wait – take caution and soak yourself with bug spray because there are some nasty goggas here, such as the horsefly! Then, let the fun begin!


The track is not something I will describe as incredibly technical although there is some water crossings and muddy patches. Unfortunately, we were not challenged enough in this area though, due to the elusive rain the last week. So, mostly it was playing in the sand, a couple of hardened muddy tracks, and two or more steep climbs that challenged a new model Jeep and seasoned Amarok. 


As the sun broke through the clouds the driving fun was coming to an end and the other fun started – a good social around the fire, some cold drinks and lekka braaivleis!  


What another awesome day out with the 4x4 Club Family! 


Outrekpad4x4 - Recovery Training

Kleintafelberg 4x4 14 - 16 August 2020


In the midst of lockdown level 3, 4x4 Cape members ventured out to the Klein Tafelberg 4x4 trail situated between the towns of Aurora and Redelingshuys on the weekend of 14 to 16 August 2020. 


A collective total of 18 club members and 4 guest undertook the trip to the West Coast in search of the great outdoors, some good company and to live the 4x4 route. 


Situated in the Sandveld area, the trail offers a mix of sand and bits of rocky terrain that offers the 4x4 enthusiast a really great experience. After a drivers briefing, members and guest undertook the trail on the Saturday morning with it offering early challenges to participants. With some overnight rain, the ground conditions, in particular the sand, offered the thought that the route would be less of a challenge than that if experienced in the hotter summer months. Save to say that the ride was better but did not allow one to be fooled into the thought that it would be any easier. Strip away the top sand layer and behind that, the course woke you up to the need for higher levels of concentration, appropriate tyre pressures and gear selection.



Early recovery of one vehicle (stuck in the sand) paid testimony to the challenges this course brings and not too long thereafter, another vehicle recovery (a concentration lapse) had members in observation for a short while. Some interesting new twist to the route made the experience more exciting to those who have previously driven the route and for the newbies, a great challenge. 


Conditions over the trail on the day saw a mixture of overcast weather, some sunshine and light rain over the +- 20km route, making the venture out an interesting one. Some time spent at the crest of the route had members talking through the challenges and readying themselves for the return leg back to the campsite.


An early Saturday evening collective get together around the boma saw members enjoying good company around the fire with meals being prepared, generous laughter and good banter around the day’s events. Late nights chats, the heat of a fire against chilly weather was a reminder of what 4x4 Cape is all about.   


Sunday morning brought some welcoming sunshine, some goodbyes and safe return travelling to city mayhem.  

Club Lessons:-

Take it slow;

Only one voice at a recovery;

Ensure that you have the right tyre pressure;

This is 4x4, not 4x2;

Choose the right line;

Recovery gear is a must in your vehicle;

Have fun.


Day’s Stats:-

Six club vehicles + 1 other on the trail;

Time spent on the trail – +-3,5 hours;

2 Recoveries;

Weather – cloudy with intermittent rain and sunshine;

Trail conditions – moist sand.